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Parking Information



Register for an Alive at 25 Course

Cost: $50
Parking Regulations
  • This cost may be paid online or in person at the fact and fee date for seniors and juniors. Please note the following:
    • Paying online DOES NOT guarantee that a student will obtain permission to park on campus. This is merely a convenience to eliminate or reduce the time spent in line during fact and fee payment time. If you pay online, you MUST bring a copy of the receipt or have evidence of payment on fact and fee day.
    • Parking on campus will be closely tied to student conduct, attendance, and tardies. Any student with excessive absences, tardies, and/or misconduct of any kind may lose parking privileges at the direction of an administrator at any time. There are no refunds for loss of parking privileges.  

In order to have the opportunity to apply for a parking permit, all students must meet the following criteria:

  • The student must have no outstanding debts, textbooks, calculators, or other supplies and resources not returned to the school from previous years. Payments for outstanding debts may be paid online or at Fact and Fee.
  • The student must have a valid driver’s license. No permits will be accepted of any kind.
  • The student must have the following documents to attach a photo of on the form:
    • Current vehicle registration
    • Alive at 25 certificate of completion
    • Driver's License

Questions regarding parking only may be directed to Kirill Misyuchenko, Campus Security Manager, at 843-881-8272 or beginning July 1, 2023.

Questions regarding online payments only may be directed to William Outlaw, Assistant Principal, at 843-881-8276 or beginning July 1, 2023.

Thank you for your cooperation with our campus parking policy and regulations!