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Wando High School Clinic Staff & Phone Numbers:
Clinic: 843-881-8250
Fax: 843-751-4761

Elizabeth Wilson, RN

Elizabeth Bumgarner, RN

Sharon Eads, RN

Karen Lloyd, RN


East Cooper CAS Nurse:

Rachael Butler, RN

Medication Drop-Off Times

Monday–Friday: 7:45 AM–3:00 PM

Call the clinic to set up an appointment if you are only available outside of the posted hours

Clinic Dismissal Policy

Students seen in the clinic by the nurse will only be sent home for fever and/or verifiable illnesses. Please follow the attendance procedures for all other dismissal needs. 

Clinic Forms

Medication-Doctor's Orders (English)

Medication-Doctor's Orders (Spanish)

Self-Medication Doctor's Order and Agreement (Epi-pen/inhaler only)

Illness Policies & Procedures

DHEC Information

Fever School Exclusion Policy

Readmission once fever free for 24 hours without the aid of a fever reducing medication, is well enough for routine activities, and all exclusion criteria have been resolved.   -DHEC 8/12/24

COVID-19 School Exclusion Policy

Exclude until fever free for 24 hours without the aid of a fever reducing medication and well enough for routine activities.   -DHEC 8/12/24